Specific areas of need each therapy specialist supports
Speech and Language Therapists (SaLT)
The SaLT team supports students to maximize their speech, language, and communication ability to increase independence. The team promote a total communication approach, which values all forms of communication.
Occupational Therapy
Our OT is experienced in sensory integration. The programmes support students academic learning, behaviour and independence skills in an individualised way.
Education Psychology
Our Education Psychologist provide therapeutic input to students whose needs are identified as requiring intervention to support with emotional and psychological issues that can cause barriers to learning. We offer 1:1 timetabled support as well as reactive sessions based on the students needs.
Pastoral Team
Our Pastoral team adopt a Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) model. PBS is a person-centred approach that focuses on developing skills to improve quality of life and gain new skills by replacing behaviours of concern with more functional or socially acceptable behaviours. The PBS Teamwork with staff and students to provide the optimum environment and develop strategies to support the individual needs of all students.