ELSA Training
What is an ELSA?
Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSA). They are Teaching Assistants
who have had special training from Educational Psychologists to support the emotional development of children and young people in school. ELSA’s have regular professional supervision from Educational Psychologists to help them in their work. ELSA’s help children and young people learn to understand their emotions and respect the feelings of those around them. They provide the time and space for pupils to think about their personal circumstances and how they manage them.
How does ELSA work?
Most ELSA programmes with children and young people will last for 8 to 12 weeks, helping the pupil to learn some specific new skills or coping strategies. Clear programme aims (SMART targets) need to be set early on and each session has an objective - something the ELSA wants to help the pupil understand or achieve. The ELSA isn’t there to ‘fix’ the child. For pupils with complex or long-term needs, it’s unrealistic to expect ELSA support to resolve all their difficulties. Change is a long-term process that needs everyone’s help.
ELSA work should be fun – that’s what makes the difference. It isn’t a reward for bad behaviour. By building a positive relationship with challenging children the ELSA can help them think about and reduce their troublesome behaviour. It will take time but will be worth it in the end.

I would like an ELSA in my school
bMindful’s training follow’s the ELSA network standards and is a led by a qualified Educational Psychologist who may be assisted by one of our therapeutic practitioners. Our core curriculum is delivered over six days and is expected to include:
Emotional Awareness
Emotional Regulation
Self Esteem
Social and Friendship skills
Loss and Bereavement
ELSA’s will also learn how to write SMART targets for individuals and groups and create sessions plans based on these.
Our bMindful package also includes additional four follow up groups supervision sessions, delivered on a half termly basis once the initial training has completed.
Register your interest
To register your interest, click the below button and complete our short enquiry form. A member of our team will be in contact with you shortly.