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Local Authorities & Commissioners

Our team work with Local Authorities and Commissioners to support families and children on the edge of care, or who are already involved with social care services. With a range of assessments, psychological formulation reports and opportunities to provide direct work with children and families, we can support care planning arrangements and help gauge the right support for a family or young person, or respond effectively to court proceedings.


We offer a comprehensive range of psychological services and support that cater to the needs of the individual, their family/carer and the team around them, including:


  • A range of psychological assessments leading to formulation

  • Direct consultation with key workers, team members and carers

  • One to one work with children, young people, family members and carers

  • Family support and therapy

  • Parenting Assessment

  • Neuro developmental assessments such as autism, learning disabilities etc

  • Support Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) activities

  • Post-incident review and intervention

  • Clinical support towards court proceedings and instructions

  • Adhoc support and guidance

  • Accredited training to care team members

  • A range of bespoke training programmes


Our services and teams are structured to readily adapt to the changing needs of children, young people and their families.

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